The story of Nuvu is done, and the story of Dedalo is coming. In the meantime, enjoy a little music…
Nuvuza Tani 3
Text and Translation
Yozonda siŋi yaha medes luŋera. Mede yaha satas ŋelona luŋido zenizeni kumu runuŋe. Luŋeya peretenen mede kigivinda ono davara. Sasataza hara. Saya zimivina, zimenda kerekeremena.
Urinona, inda ŋono zeye oloŋira, lamana tene layisena. Tesi tarataratana, laka kahes Nuvora. Tana reŋirana, keses igaravena. Lakaza tana reŋirayi, inda pezes ŋono pobomo ŋono pidi ŋono perete ŋono muru era. Tana reŋirayi, inda pezes lakara. Medenda medes tanatana Nuvora, ŋiri mede yaha satas oloyo sape. Tana reŋirayi, inda pezes Nuvu ira. Pezes yalata zara Nuvu sazarudu luŋi sareŋe.
Nuvonda nuvume, inda nuvunuvu saruviyi.
The star goes from there to a tall smooth tree. The man expectantly watches the star climb the smooth trunk. The star takes a large piece of bark with a knife. It goes around their body. They start to sing, and from the song they start to make magic.
The wind starts to blow, it makes many dark clouds come, and the whole sky starts to be hidden. A little bit of rain starts to fall and Nuvu goes into the hut. The river starts to flow and it covers the campsite with water. The river flows around the hut and it washes away the many spears, the many baskets, the many knives, and the many mats. The river continues to flow and washes away the hut. Nuvu quickly goes from tree to tree, and he fails to climb the trees’ smooth trunks. The river continues to flow and washes away Nuvu. The star listens to Nuvu’s voice, which is dying away.
Nuvu is changed into an owl and he continues to cry mournfully.
Interlinear and Explanation
Yozonda siŋi yaha medes luŋera.
- yozonda
- yozo=nda
- there=SRC
- siŋi
- siŋi
- tall
- yaha
- yaha
- smooth
- medes
- mede=s
- tree=LOC
- luŋera
- luŋi=ra
- star=GO
Mede yaha satas ŋelona luŋido zenizeni kumu runuŋe.
- mede
- mede
- tree
- yaha
- yaha
- smooth
- satas
- sata=s
- body=LOC
- ŋelona
- ŋe=lo=na
- luŋido
- luŋi=du
- star=GOAL
- zenizeni
- zenizeni
- expectant
- kumu
- kumu
- man
- runuŋe
- runu=ŋi
- eye=MOVE
Luŋeya peretenen mede kigivinda ono davara.
- luŋeya
- luŋi=ya
- star=CAUS
- peretenen
- perete=nen
- knife=COM
- mede
- mede
- tree
- kigivinda
- kigivi=nda
- skin=SRC
- ono
- ono
- big
- davara
- dava=ra
- piece=GO
Sasataza hara.
- sasataza
- sa=sata=za
- 3SG.RA=body=PATH
- hara
- ha=ra
- 3SGin=GO
Saya zimivina, zimenda kerekeremena.
- saya
- sa=ya
- zimivina
- zimi=vi=na
- music=OUT=START
- zimenda
- zimi=nda
- music=SRC
- kerekeremena
- kerekere=me=na
- magic=INTO=START
Urinona, inda ŋono zeye oloŋira, lamana tene layisena.
- urinona
- uri=no=na
- inda
- i=nda
- ŋono
- ŋono
- many
- zeye
- zeye
- dark
- oloŋira
- oloŋi=ra
- cloud=GO
- lamana
- lamana
- hidden
- tene
- tene
- all
- layisena
- layi=se=na
Tesi tarataratana, laka kahes Nuvora.
- tesi
- tesi
- few
- tarataratana
- taratara=ta=na
- laka
- laka
- hut
- kahes
- kahi=s
- belly=LOC
- Nuvora
- Nuvo=ra
- Nuvu=GO
Tana reŋirana, keses igaravena.
- tana
- tana
- flowing
- reŋirana
- reŋi=ra=na
- river=GO=START
- keses
- kese=s
- camp=LOC
- igaravena
- i=gara=vi=na
- 3SG.AN=water=OUT=START
Water gara is (here) a part of the river, and so possessed.
Lakaza tana reŋirayi, inda pezes ŋono pobomo ŋono pidi ŋono perete ŋono muru era.
- lakaza
- laka=za
- hut=PATH
- tana
- tana
- flowing
- reŋirayi
- reŋi=ra=yi
- river=GO=CONT
- inda
- i=nda
- pezes
- pezi=s
- away=LOC
- ŋono
- ŋono
- many
- pobomo
- pobomo
- spear
- ŋono
- ŋono
- many
- pidi
- pidi
- basket
- ŋono
- ŋono
- many
- perete
- perete
- knife
- ŋono
- ŋono
- many
- muru
- muru
- mat
- era
- e=ra
Tana reŋirayi, inda pezes lakara.
- tana
- tana
- flowing
- reŋirayi
- reŋi=ra=yi
- river=GO=CONT
- inda
- i=nda
- pezes
- pezi=s
- away=LOC
- lakara
- laka=ra
- hut=GO
Medenda medes tanatana Nuvora, ŋiri mede yaha satas oloyo sape.
- medenda
- mede=nda
- tree=SRC
- medes
- mede=s
- tree=LOC
- tanatana
- tanatana
- quick
- Nuvora
- Nuvu=ra
- Nuvu=GO
- ŋiri
- ŋiri
- some
- mede
- mede
- tree
- yaha
- yaha
- smooth
- satas
- sata=s
- body=LOC
- oloyo
- oloyo
- upwards
- sape
- sa=pe
Tana reŋirayi, inda pezes Nuvu ira.
- tana
- tana
- flowing
- reŋirayi
- reŋi=ra=yi
- river=GO=CONT
- inda
- i=nda
- pezes
- pezi=s
- away=LOC
- Nuvu
- Nuvu
- Nuvu
- ira
- i=ra
Pezes yalata zara Nuvu sazarudu luŋi sareŋe.
- pezes
- pezi=s
- away=LOC
- yalata
- yalata
- dying
- zara
- za=ra
- Nuvu
- Nuvu
- Nuvu
- sazarudu
- sazaru=du
- voice=GOAL
- luŋi
- luŋi
- star
- sareŋe
- sara=ŋi
Nuvonda nuvume, inda nuvunuvu saruviyi.
- Nuvonda
- Nuvu=nda
- Nuvu=SRC
- nuvume
- nuvu=me
- owl=INTO
- inda
- i=nda
- nuvunuvu
- nuvunuvu
- mournful
- saruviyi
- saru=vi=yi
- noise=OUT=CONT
Nuvuza Tani 2
Text and Translation
Nara zales kines luŋeta baŋibaŋi. Alaza kalatepe gohotepe lakatepe sara. Sarunos pezes yutonda seleno. Nuvonda yutu selese. Hadas tanatana luŋera.
Luŋeya sorove, “Diya liyes tesi gohorahi?” Kumoya rusuve, “Be! Liyes harazidu linda viri gohose.”
“Dinda yutoza tesi kalanen liŋinahi?” “Kalanen liŋizidu viri yutuse.”
“Ŋiri kele muroza dika. Dinda yutoza tesi kalanen liŋinahido vene zeninen diŋi, liya lisataza nara mururazi.” Nuvoya ruluve, “Enda pezes ira! Lidu ese, kegevenen mape vekeve yendodo evu.”
One night a star falls to earth. They go for a time, cold, hungry, and shelter-less. They see light from a campfire in the distance. The light is Nuvu’s campfire. The star hurries to it.
The star says, “Could you give me some food?” The man replies, “No! There is not enough of my food for me to eat.”
“Could I make myself a little bit warm near your campfire?” “There is not enough campfire to make me warm.”
“You have some fine mats.You did not allow that I could make make myself a little bit warm near your campfire; I will put one mat around my body.” Nuvu shouts, “Go away from those! They are for me and not for lazy people who do not work.”
Interlinear and Explanation
Nara zales kines luŋeta baŋibaŋi.
- nara
- nara
- one
- zales
- zali=s
- night=LOC
- kines
- kini=s
- land=LOC
- luŋeta
- luŋi=ta
- star=DOWN
- baŋibaŋi
- baŋibaŋi
- unexpectedly
Alaza kalatepe gohotepe lakatepe sara.
- alaza
- ala=za
- now=PATH
- kalatepe
- kala-tepe
- heat-less
- gohotepe
- goho-tepe
- food-less
- lakatepe
- laka-tepe
- hut-less
- sa=ra
- sa=ra
Sarunos pezes yutonda seleno.
- sarunos
- sa=runu=s
- 3SG.RA=eye=LOC
- pezes
- pezi=s
- away=LOC
- yutonda
- yutu=nda
- campfire=SRC
- seleno
- sele=no
- light=COME
Nuvonda yutu selese.
- Nuvonda
- Nuvu=nda
- Nuvu=SRC
- yutu
- yutu
- campfire
- selese
- sele=se
- light=STAY
Hadas tanatana luŋera.
- hadas
- hada=s
- tanatana
- tanatana
- quick
- luŋera
- luŋi=ra
- star=GO
Luŋeya sorove, “Diya liyes tesi gohorahi?”
- luŋeya
- luŋi=ya
- star=CAUS
- sorove
- soro=vi
- word=OUT
- diya
- di=ya
- liyes
- liye=s
- tesi
- tesi
- few
- gohorahi
- goho=ra=hi
- food=GO=POT
Kumoya rusuve, “Be! Liyes harazidu linda viri gohose.”
- kumoya
- kumu=ya
- man=CAUS
- rusuve
- rusu=vi
- reply=OUT
- be!
- be!
- no!
- liyes
- liye=s
- harazidu
- ha=ra=zi=du
- linda
- li=nda
- viri
- viri
- not.enough
- gohose
- goho=se
- food=STAY
“Dinda yutoza tesi kalanen liŋinahi?”
- dinda
- di=nda
- yutoza
- yutu=za
- campfire=PATH
- tesi
- tesi
- few
- kalanen
- kala=nen
- heat=COM
- liŋinahi
- li=ŋi=na=hi
“Kalanen liŋizidu viri yutuse.”
- kalanen
- kala=nen
- heat=COM
- liŋizidu
- li=ŋi=zi=du
- viri
- viri
- not
- yutuse
- yutu=se
- enough
“Ŋiri kele muroza dika.
- ŋiri
- ŋiri
- some
- kele
- kele
- fine
- muroza
- muru=za
- mat=PATH
- dika
- di=ka
Dinda yutoza tesi kalanen liŋinahido vene zeninen diŋi, liya lisataza nara mururazi.”
- dinda
- di=nda
- yutoza
- yutu=za
- campfire=PATH
- tesi
- tesi
- few
- kalanen
- kala=nen
- heat=COM
- liŋinahido
- li=ŋi=na=hi=du
- vene
- vene
- none
- zeninen
- zeni=nen
- expectation=COM
- diŋi
- di=ŋi
- liya
- li=ya
- lisataza
- li=sata=za
- 1SG=body=PATH
- nara
- nara
- one
- mururazi
- muru=ra=zi
- mat=GO=FUT
Nuvoya ruluve, “Enda pezes ira!
- Nuvoya
- Nuvu=ya
- Nuvu=CAUS
- ruluve
- rulu=vi
- shout=OUT
- enda
- e=nda
- pezes
- pezi=s
- away=LOC
- ira
- i=ra
Lidu ese, kegevenen mape vekeve yendodo evu.”
- lidu
- li=du
- ese
- e=se
- kegevenen
- kegeve=nen
- work=COM
- mape
- ma=pe
- vekeve
- vekeve
- lazy
- yendodo
- yenda=du
- people=GOAL
- evu
- e=vu
Nuvuza Tani 1
Text and Translation
Nuvu berenen kumoza zose tanise. Sama basa sonose, sama karu vususe. Ŋono alaza yendanen nikevas saŋiyinda samas etede piŋimeyi, pezes sara kodu, venendanen saŋena. Yendanen nikevas saŋiyihi, saya namanen ŋiri kegevemiyizeza namas zeninoheza samas delino. Goleza nara kumu saŋiye, saya kuŋinen zase ŋiri kegeveme. Goleza venendanen saŋiyinda sanda laka azis lenese. Kozos ŋono pobomoza ŋono pideza ŋono pereteza ŋono muroza saka.
This story is one which is about a man named Nuvu. He has a bad head and a rough tongue. Through more time spent in the vicinity of people he is filled with pain, so he goes away and lives with nobody. If he continues to stay near people, he thinks that they will expect that he will continue to make work with them. For a long time he lives as a solitary man, and he works as he wanted. After a long time living with nobody, there is a pile outside his hut. In there he has many spears, many baskets, many knives, and many mats.
Interlinear and Explanation
Nuvu berenen kumoza zose tanise.
- Nuvu
- nuvu
- Nuvu
- berenen
- bere=nen
- name=COM
- kumoza
- kumu=za
- man=PATH
- zose
- zo=se
- tanise
- tani=se
- story=STAY
Sama basa sonose, sama karu vususe.
- sama
- sama
- 3SG.RA
- basa
- basa
- bad
- sonose
- sono=se
- head=STAY
- sama
- sama
- 3SG.RA
- karu
- karu
- rough
- vususe
- vusu=se
- tongue=STAY
Ŋono alaza yendanen nikevas saŋiyinda samas etede piŋimeyi, pezes sara kodu, venendanen saŋena.
- ŋono
- ŋono
- more
- alaza
- ala=za
- time=PATH
- yendanen
- yenda=nen
- people=COM
- nikevas
- nikeva=s
- vicinity=LOC
- saŋiyinda
- sa=ŋi=yi=nda
- samas
- sama=s
- etede
- etede
- full
- piŋimeyi
- piŋi=me=yi
- pain=IN=CONT
- pezes
- pezi=s
- away=LOC
- sara
- sa=ra
- kodu
- kodu
- so
- venendanen
- venenda=nen
- nobody=COM
- saŋena
- sa=ŋi=na
Someday I am going to figure out why some time phrases take =s and some take =za. I know there is a reason, I am simply not quite sure how to explain it.
Yendanen nikevas saŋiyihi, saya namanen ŋiri kegevemiyizeza namas zeninoheza samas delino.
- yendanen
- yenda=nen
- people=COM
- nikevas
- nikeva=s
- vicinity=LOC
- saŋiyihi
- sa=ŋi=yi=hi
- saya
- sa=ya
- namanen
- nama=nen
- 3PLra=COM
- ŋiri
- ŋiri
- some
- kegevemiyizeza
- kegeve=mi=yi=zi=za
- namas
- nama=s
- 3PLra=LOC
- zeninoheza
- zeni=no=hi=za
- expectation=COME=POT=PATH
- samas
- sama=s
- delino
- deli=no
- idea=COME
Goleza nara kumu saŋiye, saya kuŋinen zase ŋiri kegeveme.
- goleza
- goli=za
- long.time=PATH
- nara
- nara
- one
- kumu
- kumu
- man
- saŋiye
- sa=ŋi=yi
- saya
- sa=ya
- kuŋinen
- kuŋi=nen
- desire=COM
- zase
- za=se
- ŋiri
- ŋiri
- some
- kegeveme
- kegeve=me
- work=IN
Goleza venendanen saŋiyinda sanda laka azis lenese.
- goleza
- goli=za
- long.time=PATH
- venendanen
- venenda=nen
- nobody=COM
- saŋiyinda
- sa=ŋi=yi=nda
- sanda
- sa=nda
- laka
- laka
- hut
- azis
- azi=s
- outside=LOC
- lenese
- lene=se
- pile=STAY
Kozos ŋono pobomoza ŋono pideza ŋono pereteza ŋono muroza saka.
- kozos
- kozo=s
- here=LOC
- ŋono
- ŋono
- many
- pobomoza
- pobomo=za
- spear=PATH
- ŋono
- ŋono
- many
- pideza
- pidi=za
- basket=PATH
- ŋono
- ŋono
- many
- pereteza
- perete=za
- knife=PATH
- ŋono
- ŋono
- many
- muroza
- muru=za
- mat=PATH
- saka
- sa=ka
Linda Poboto, Part 4
And now the conclusion of the story…
Text and Translation
Saya evi, “Ŋaya kere ebes linda laki ira.” Naya kere ebes liye ira. Naya liye tene satanda pezes garanen piŋera. Yozonda erenara, naya zosos yereme.
Besariya marodo tonos liye ira. Maras lira, muros dahidahi liŋi, lidurunulona. Pobotonen rehela lipena.
He says, “Take my daughter to the sacred pool.” They take me to the sacred pool. They wash the pain from all of my body. The spirits go from there and play elsewhere.
Uncle sets me on the road to home. I go home, I am lying down on the mat, and my eyes open. I begin to not be sick afterwards.
Interlinear and Explanation
Saya evi, “Ŋaya kere ebes linda laki ira.”
- saya
- sa=ya
- 3SGra=CAUS
- evi
- e=vi
- 3PLin=OUT
- ŋaya
- ŋa=ya
- kere
- kere
- sacred
- ebes
- ebe=s
- pool=LOC
- linda
- li=nda
- laki
- laki
- daughter
- ira
- i=ra
- 3SGan=GO
Naya kere ebes liye ira.
- naya
- na=ya
- 3PLan=CAUS
- kere
- kere
- sacred
- ebes
- ebe=s
- pool=LOC
- liye
- liye
- 1SG
- ira
- i=ra
- 3SGan=GO
Naya liye tene satanda pezes garanen piŋera.
- naya
- na=ya
- 3PLra=CAUS
- liye
- liye
- 1SG
- tene
- tene
- all
- satanda
- sata=nda
- body=SRC
- pezes
- pezi=s
- away=LOC
- garanen
- gara=nen
- water=COM
- piŋera
- piŋi=ra
- pain=GO
Or, they made the pain go with water from all of my body.
Yozonda erenara, naya zosos yereme.
- yozonda
- yozo=nda
- there=SRC
- erenara
- erena=ra
- spirits=GO
- naya
- na=ya
- 3PLra=CAUS
- zosos
- zoso=s
- somewhere=LOC
- yereme
- yere=me
- game=IN
Besariya marodo tonos liye ira.
- besariya
- besari=ya
- great-uncle=CAUS
- marodo
- mara=du
- home=GOAL
- tonos
- tono=s
- road=LOC
- liye
- liye
- 1SG
- ira
- i=ra
- 3SGan=GO
Maras lira, muros dahidahi liŋi, lidurunulona.
- maras
- mara=s
- home=LOC
- lira
- li=ra
- 1SG=GO
- muros
- muru=s
- mat=LOC
- dahidahi
- dahidahi
- lying.down
- liŋi
- li=ŋi
- lidurunulona
- li=durunu=lo=na
- 1SG=eyes=UP=START
My eyes open, or I wake up. And eyes is in the dual, too.
Pobotonen rehela lipena.
- pobotonen
- poboto=nen
- sickness=COM
- rehela
- rehela
- afterwards
- lipena
- li=pe=na
Or, I begin to fail to be with sickness afterwards.
Linda Poboto, Part 3
Text and Translation
Lirunos linda besarino aŋaka. Linda tili arenda tili bese saŋi. Lidu luguradu sano. Erenaza saka, liyenen yeremeto.
Saya nadu evi, “Linda laki koyo yeleŋe. Samas dimidimi yakato! Sadu gehevanen yaŋi!” Liyes erena dimidimi nakato aŋaka.
And then I see my uncle. He is my late grandmother’s uncle. He comes to help me. He grasps the spirits and the game with me stops.
He says to them, “This person is my daughter. Stop hitting her! Be good to her!” And then the spirits stop hitting me.
Interlinear and Explanation
Lirunos linda besarino aŋaka.
- lirunos
- li=runu=s
- 1SG=eye=LOC
- linda
- li=nda
- besarino
- besari=no
- great-uncle=COME
- aŋaka
- aŋaka
- and.then
Technically, besari is mother’s mother’s brother.
Linda tili arenda tili bese saŋi.
- linda
- li=nda
- tili
- tili
- past
- arenda
- ari=nda
- grandmother=SRC
- tili
- tili
- past
- bese
- bese
- uncle
- saŋi
- sa=ŋi
- 3SGra=MOVE
Technically ari is mother’s mother’s and bese is mother’s brother. And the adjective tili, last seen modifying the noun lono ‘day’, can also modify kinship terms.
Lidu luguradu sano.
- lidu
- li=du
- luguradu
- lugu=ra=du
- help=GO=GOAL
- sano
- sa=no
- 3SGra=COME
Erenaza saka, liyenen yeremeto.
- erenaza
- erena=za
- spirits=PATH
- saka
- sa=ka
- liyenen
- liye=nen
- yeremeto
- yere=me=to
- game=IN=STOP
Saya nadu evi, “Linda laki koyo yeleŋe.
- saya
- sa=ya
- 3SGra=CAUS
- nadu
- na=du
- 3PLra=GOAL
- evi
- e=vi
- 3PLin=OUT
- linda
- li=nda
- laki
- laki
- daughter
- koyo
- koyo
- this
- yeleŋe
- yele=ŋi
- person=MOVE
Technically, laki is a woman’s daughter or a man’s sister’s daughter.
Samas dimidimi yakato!
- samas
- sama=s
- 3SGra=LOC
- dimidimi
- dimidimi
- with.force
- yakato
- ya=ka=to
Uncle does not use indirect, polite commands. He is direct, using the non-rational animate pronouns to convey an imperative.
Sadu gehevanen yaŋi!”
- sadu
- sa=du
- 3SGra=GOAL
- gehevanen
- geheva=nen
- goodness=COM
- yaŋi
- ya=ŋi
- 3PLan=MOVE
Liyes erena dimidimi nakato aŋaka.
- liyes
- liye=s
- erena
- erena
- spirits
- dimidimi
- dimidimi
- with.force
- nakato
- na=ka=to
- aŋaka.
- aŋaka
- and.then
The conclusion will post on Monday. Have a good weekend!
Linda Poboto, Part 2
Text and Translation
Naya kureza kideza liye ira. Liye tene satas dimidimi eka. Liye tene satas piŋino, govogovo bavasano.
Liya nadu evi, “Ŋaŋitohi. Govogovo koyonen ŋaŋitohi. Lidu gehevanen ŋaŋinahi.” Linda sorodo erena sarape baŋibaŋi.
They take me across thorns and rocks. They (the thorns and rocks) hit all of my body. I feel pain on all of my body and all kinds of bad.
I say to them, “You could stop. You could stop doing all these kinds of things. You could start to be good to me.” But the spirits do not listen to my words.
Interlinear and Explanation
Naya kureza kideza liye ira.
- naya
- na=ya
- 3PLra=CAUS
- kureza
- kuri=za
- thorn=PATH
- kideza
- kidi=za
- rock=PATH
- liye
- liye
- 1SG
- ira
- i=ra
- 3SGan=GO
Or, I am made to go (non-volitionally) by them across thorns and rocks.
Liye tene satas dimidimi eka.
- liye
- liye
- 1SG
- tene
- tene
- all
- satas
- sata=s
- body=LOC
- dimidimi
- dimidimi
- with.force
- eka
- e=ka
Liye tene satas piŋino, govogovo bavasano.
- liye
- liye
- 1SG
- tene
- tene
- all
- satas
- sata=s
- body=LOC
- piŋino
- piŋi=no
- pain=COME
- govogovo
- govogovo
- all.kinds
- bavasano
- bavasa=no
- badness=COME
Here’s another pair: basa ‘bad’ and bavasa ‘badness’.
Liya nadu evi, “Ŋaŋitohi.
- liya
- li=ya
- nadu
- na=du
- 3PLra=GOAL
- evi
- e=vi
- 3PLin=OUT
- ŋaŋitohi
- ŋa=ŋi=to=hi
Our narrator is being polite and using indirect or polite commands here and in the following sentences.
Govogovo koyonen ŋaŋitohi.
- govogovo
- govogovo
- all.kinds
- koyonen
- koyo=nen
- this=COM
- ŋaŋitohi.
- ŋa=ŋi=to=hi
Lidu gehevanen ŋaŋinahi.”
- lidu
- li=du
- gehevanen
- geheva=nen
- goodness=COM
- ŋaŋinahi
- ŋa=ŋi=na=hi
Here we have the noun geheva formed from the adjective gehe and the nominalizer -va. Mostly because the partially reduplicated form of gehe would be gehehe and that just didn’t sound right.
Linda sorodo erena sarape baŋibaŋi.
- linda
- li=nda
- sorodo
- soro=du
- word=GOAL
- erena
- erena
- spirits
- sarape
- sara=pe
- ear=FAIL
- baŋibaŋi
- baŋibaŋi
- unexpected
Generally one hears something with the construction A sara=s X=no. But one can listen for something, too, with X=du A sara=ra. This works for other senses as well.
Linda Poboto Part 1
Text and Translation
Ŋasaras linda pobotoza zisirinohe. Ŋono poto liŋi, yatayatavadu lira. Poto liŋiye, muros dahidahi liŋi, morono.
Moronen muros dahidahi liŋiye, uri erenano. Liyeza naka, liyenen yiri buros nara. Koyo erenaya yiri erenanen yereme. Erenaya keruvelime. Naya ŋarunos ŋono pezes ebeno, naya ŋarunos yozos tileya ŋarahidu hape aŋaka.
You may have heard news of my sickness. I was very sick, almost to death. While I was sick, I lay on the mat, and a dream came.
With the dream, while I am lying on the mat, the wind spirits come. They grasp me and take me to the mouth of a dry wash. These spirits play with the dry wash spirits. The dry wash spirits create dust devils. They make a distant pool of water appear to you and then before you can reach it they make it fail to appear.
Interlinear and Explanation
Ŋasaras linda pobotoza zisirinohe.
- ŋasaras
- ŋa=sara=s
- 2PL=ear=LOC
- linda
- li=nda
- pobotoza
- poboto=za
- sickness=PATH
- zisirinohe
- zisiri=no=hi
- news=COME=POT
Ŋono poto liŋi, yatayatavadu lira.
- ŋono
- ŋono
- much
- poto
- poto
- sick
- liŋi
- li=ŋi
- yatayatavadu
- yatayatava=du
- death=GOAL
- lira
- li=ra
- 1SG=GO
Note that poto is an adjective and poboto is a derived noun. A similar pair was encountered before: zeye ‘dark’ and zeseye ‘darkness’. Also, =du marks an unattained destination, so somewhere on the path to death. Speaking of death, yalata is the adjective ‘dying’ and yatayata is the adjective ‘dead’, and death is formed from the latter by adding the nominalizing suffix -va. The word yata no longer exists.
Poto liŋiye, muros dahidahi liŋi, morono.
- poto
- poto
- sick
- liŋiye
- li=ŋi=yi
- muros
- muru=s
- mat=LOC
- dahidahi
- dahidahi
- lying.down
- liŋi
- li=ŋi
- morono
- moro=no
- dream=COME
Moronen muros dahidahi liŋiye, uri erenano.
- moronen
- moro=nen
- dream=COM
- muros
- muru=s
- mat=LOC
- dahidahi
- dahidahi
- lying.down
- liŋiye
- li=ŋi=yi
- uri
- uri
- wind
- erenano
- erena=no
- spirits=COME
I guess N N compound phrases are allowed. Usually N N is whole part, and I suppose this compound could be read that way, too—the wind’s spirits. Or maybe it is only whole part when the part is obviously a part.
Liyeza naka, liyenen yiri buros nara.
- liyeza
- liye=za
- naka
- na=ka
- liyenen
- liye=nen
- yiri
- yiri
- dry.wash
- buros
- buru=s
- mouth=LOC
- nara
- na=ra
- 3PLra=GO
The motion particle =ka is used with =za to convey physical possession or ownership. This is an extension of its use here, as a way to convey grasping something.
Also note that =za, =nen, and =s glom onto full pronouns only, while =nda, =du, and =ya glom onto pronominal particles.
Koyo erenaya yiri erenanen yereme.
- koyo
- koyo
- this
- erenaya
- erena=ya
- spirits=CAUS
- yiri
- yiri
- dry.wash
- erenanen
- erena=nen
- spirits=COM
- yereme
- yere=me
- game=IN
Erenaya keruvelime.
- erenaya
- erena=ya
- spirits=CAUS
- keruvelime
- keruveli=me
- dust.devil=IN
Naya ŋarunos ŋono pezes ebeno, naya ŋarunos yozos tileya ŋarahidu hape aŋaka.
- naya
- na=ya
- 3PLra=CAUS
- ŋarunos
- ŋa=runu=s
- 2PL=eye=LOC
- ŋono
- ŋono
- much
- pezes
- pezi=s
- away=LOC
- ebeno
- ebe=no
- pool=COME
- naya
- na=ya
- 3PLra=CAUS
- ŋarunos
- ŋa=runu=s
- 2PL=eyes=LOC
- yozos
- yozo=s
- there=LOC
- tileya
- tileya
- before
- ŋarahidu
- ŋa=ra=hi=du
- hape
- ha=pe
- 3SGin=FAIL
- aŋaka.
- aŋaka
- and.then
Can you think of a better way to explain mirages?
The South Wind and the Sun 2
The rest of the sentences from the South Wind and the Sun…
Lohoya kehimena, saselevena.
- lohoya
- loho=ya
- sun=CAUS
- kehimena
- kehi=me=na
- task=IN=START
- saselevena
- sa=sele=vi=na
- 3SGra=light=OUT=START
Light is a body part of the sun, at least in this case.
Sama ŋono seleve, sama ŋono kalave, mede banas dahidahi keneŋiyi baŋibaŋi.
- sama
- sama
- 3SGra
- ŋono
- ŋono
- more
- seleve
- sele=vi
- light=OUT
- sama
- sama
- 3SGra
- ŋono
- ŋono
- more
- kalave
- kala=vi
- heat=OUT
- mede
- mede
- tree
- banas
- bana=s
- foot=LOC
- dahidahi
- dahidahi
- lying.down
- keneŋiyi
- kene=ŋi=yi
- woman=MOVE=CONT
- baŋibaŋi
- baŋibaŋi
- unexpectedly
Light and heat are body parts of the sun here, and modified by an adjective. The adjective comes between the possessor and the body part. The final clause has =yi for a continuing situation and baŋibaŋi to express that this situation is contrary to expectation.
Lohoya kehimeto, elekenda ureya kehimena aŋaka, saderelevina.
- lohoya
- loho=ya
- sun=CAUS
- kehimeto
- kehi=me=to
- task=IN=STOP
- elekenda
- eleke=nda
- south=SRC
- ureya
- uri=ya
- wind=CAUS
- kehimena
- kehi=me=na
- task=IN=START
- aŋaka
- aŋaka
- and.then
- saderelevina
- sa=derele=vi=na
- 3SGra=breath=OUT=START
Breath is a partially reduplicated noun, but the unreduplicated noun is not in the current lexicon. It is cognate with Kēlen rēl ‘breath’.
Saya elekenda sakanda mede sonos oloŋira, pezes kalara.
- saya
- sa=ya
- 3SGra=CAUS
- elekenda
- eleke=nda
- south=SRC
- sakanda
- saka=nda
- mountain=SRC
- mede
- mede
- tree
- sonos
- sono=s
- head=LOC
- oloŋira
- oloŋi=ra
- cloud=GO
- pezes
- pezi=s
- away=LOC
- kalara
- kala=ra
- heat=GO
Lamana layisena, lamana tene selese, zeseyelo.
- lamana
- lamana
- hidden
- layisena
- layi=se=na
- lamana
- lamana
- hidden
- tene
- tene
- all
- selese
- sele=se
- light=STAY
- zeseyelo
- zeseye=lo
- darkness=UP
Earlier there was a conjunction aŋaka glossed as “and then”. It is generally only used for emphasis. Sequence of clauses is usually assumed. The motion particle=lo UP is used here to convey an increase in an entity made of water, air, light, or sound. =ta DOWN can be used to convey a decrease.
Ŋono zeye layisenahiza kenes delino.
- ŋono
- ŋono
- more
- zeye
- zeye
- dark
- layisenahiza
- layi=se=na=hi=za
- kenes
- kene=s
- woman=LOC
- delino
- deli=no
- idea=COME
An idea came to the woman, and =za marks the idea: ŋono zeye layisenahi or more dark the sky potentially starts to be.
Mede bananda pezes kenera, maras sara.
- mede
- mede
- tree
- bananda
- bana=nda
- foot=SRC
- pezes
- pezi=s
- away=LOC
- kenera
- kene=ra
- woman=GO
- maras
- mara=s
- home=LOC
- sara
- sa=ra
- 3SGra=GO
Nenenda ŋono takaka elekenda uriŋe kodu.
- nenenda
- nene=nda
- pair=SRC
- ŋono
- ŋono
- more
- takaka
- takaka
- strong
- elekenda
- eleke=nda
- south=SRC
- uriŋe
- uri=ŋi
- wind=MOVE
- kodu
- kodu
- so
Next week I start a longer story in four parts…
The South Wind and the Sun 1
Text: Elekenda Uri, Loho
Text and Translation
Elekenda ureya lohoya nenenda ŋono takaka ŋeŋeza keŋikeŋime. Narunos mede banas dahidahi ŋeŋi keneno. Ŋeya mede bananda pezes keneradu kehimehi, ŋono takaka saŋihe. Lohoya kehimena, saselevena. Sama ŋono seleve, sama ŋono kalave, mede banas dahidahi keneŋiyi baŋibaŋi. Lohoya kehimeto, elekenda ureya kehimena aŋaka, saderelevina. Saya elekenda sakanda mede sonos oloŋira, pezes kalara. Lamana layisena, tene lamana selese, zeseyelo. Ŋono zeye layisenahiza kenes delino. Mede bananda pezes kenera, maras sara. Nenenda ŋono takaka elekenda uriŋe kodu.
The south wind and the sun were discussing who of the pair was stronger. They saw a woman lying down under a tree. Whoever made the woman move away from under the tree, they would be the stronger. The sun started the task, they started to emit light. They emitted more light, they emitted more heat, and still the woman was lying down under the tree. The sun stopped, and the south wind started, they started to emit breath (blow). He made clouds go from the southern mountains to over the tree, and made the heat go away. The sky started to be hidden, all the light was hidden, and the darkness increased. The woman thought that the sky would start to become darker. The woman went away from under the tree and went home. And so the south wind is the stronger of the pair.
Interlinear and Explanation
Elekenda ureya lohoya nenenda ŋono takaka ŋeŋeza keŋikeŋime.
- elekenda
- eleke=nda
- south=SRC
- ureya
- uri=ya
- wind=CAUS
- lohoya
- loho=ya
- sun=CAUS
- nenenda
- nene=nda
- pair=SRC
- ŋono
- ŋono
- more
- takaka
- takaka
- strong
- ŋeŋeza
- ŋe=ŋi=za
- keŋikeŋime
- keŋikeŋi=me
- inquiry=IN
All the conjunctions I have mentioned so far have been clausal conjunctions. Here is an example of phrasal conjuction by simple juxtaposition and the repeating of the rational agent particle =ya. They are both agents creating (use of =me IN) an inquiry (or argument or discussion or any sort of talking with one another to come to a conclusion about a question or situation). The topic of the inquiry is marked with=za and includes all of nenenda ŋono takaka ŋeŋi or of the pair, more strong, who is.
Narunos mede banas dahidahi ŋeŋi keneno.
- narunos
- na=runu=s
- 3PLra=eye=LOC
- mede
- mede
- tree
- banas
- bana=s
- foot=LOC
- dahidahi
- dahidahi
- lying.down
- ŋeŋi
- ŋe=ŋi
- keneno
- kene=no
- woman=COME
Here is an example of runu in the singular despite having a plural possessor. This is very common, especially when the plural possessors are sensing at the same time. What is sensed is the subject of the motion particle =no COME, a woman, along with the relative clause describing her, one who is lying down.
In mede bana is an example of a body part being used for a non-animate entity. Here bana is essentially the bottom of something. Likewise sono ‘head’ is the top of something.
Ŋeya mede bananda pezes keneradu kehimehi, ŋono takaka saŋihe.
- ŋeya
- ŋe=ya
- mede
- mede
- tree
- bananda
- bana=nda
- foot=SRC
- pezes
- pezi=s
- away=LOC
- keneradu
- kene=ra=du
- woman=GO=GOAL
- kehimehi
- kehi=me=hi
- task=IN=POT
- ŋono
- ŋono
- more
- takaka
- takaka
- strong
- saŋihe
- sa=ŋi=hi
Here we have two clauses, both suffixed with the potential =hi. This is a common way to convey a hypothetical situation and consequence. The first clause also has an indefinite agent ŋe making the task.
More sentences coming!