The fourth line of the LCC3 Relay Text:
se jīxōsa cī ānen anwālte annāra il anpēxeni ī ñi rūjapēxa;
ī is one of those particles that can mean several things. As a conjunction, it means “and also”. As a clause-level modifier, it means “again, also”. If this is the conjunction ī then this sentence has to mean, “Let’s passionately look back in final moments and also (they) move away.” Hmm. If this is the clause-level modifier ī, then the sentence can mean “Let’s passionately look back again in final moments (as) (they) move away.” if ī is modifying the first clause, or “Let’s passionately look back (as) the final (waves) again move away.” if ī is modifying the second clause. Personally, I like the last interpretation, but they are all valid.
la liēn sū anālhāri anālri jahāwa ñi antāoni anhūwi rūjapēxa;
la jāo pa anhē ja ñi antāoni antāλi rūjapēxa;
ñi nāra lemōra ñi antāoni antāλi rūjapēxa;
se jīxōsa cī ānen anwālte annāra il anpēxeni ī ñi rūjapēxa;
I am at the edge of the stormy sea and the breaking waves move away.
This is good, that the wild waves move away.
All my dreams become the wild waves moving away.
Let’s passionately look back as the final waves again move away.