Text and Translation
Nara zales kines luŋeta baŋibaŋi. Alaza kalatepe gohotepe lakatepe sara. Sarunos pezes yutonda seleno. Nuvonda yutu selese. Hadas tanatana luŋera.
Luŋeya sorove, “Diya liyes tesi gohorahi?” Kumoya rusuve, “Be! Liyes harazidu linda viri gohose.”
“Dinda yutoza tesi kalanen liŋinahi?” “Kalanen liŋizidu viri yutuse.”
“Ŋiri kele muroza dika. Dinda yutoza tesi kalanen liŋinahido vene zeninen diŋi, liya lisataza nara mururazi.” Nuvoya ruluve, “Enda pezes ira! Lidu ese, kegevenen mape vekeve yendodo evu.”
One night a star falls to earth. They go for a time, cold, hungry, and shelter-less. They see light from a campfire in the distance. The light is Nuvu’s campfire. The star hurries to it.
The star says, “Could you give me some food?” The man replies, “No! There is not enough of my food for me to eat.”
“Could I make myself a little bit warm near your campfire?” “There is not enough campfire to make me warm.”
“You have some fine mats.You did not allow that I could make make myself a little bit warm near your campfire; I will put one mat around my body.” Nuvu shouts, “Go away from those! They are for me and not for lazy people who do not work.”
Interlinear and Explanation
Nara zales kines luŋeta baŋibaŋi.
- nara
- nara
- one
- zales
- zali=s
- night=LOC
- kines
- kini=s
- land=LOC
- luŋeta
- luŋi=ta
- star=DOWN
- baŋibaŋi
- baŋibaŋi
- unexpectedly
Alaza kalatepe gohotepe lakatepe sara.
- alaza
- ala=za
- now=PATH
- kalatepe
- kala-tepe
- heat-less
- gohotepe
- goho-tepe
- food-less
- lakatepe
- laka-tepe
- hut-less
- sa=ra
- sa=ra
Sarunos pezes yutonda seleno.
- sarunos
- sa=runu=s
- 3SG.RA=eye=LOC
- pezes
- pezi=s
- away=LOC
- yutonda
- yutu=nda
- campfire=SRC
- seleno
- sele=no
- light=COME
Nuvonda yutu selese.
- Nuvonda
- Nuvu=nda
- Nuvu=SRC
- yutu
- yutu
- campfire
- selese
- sele=se
- light=STAY
Hadas tanatana luŋera.
- hadas
- hada=s
- tanatana
- tanatana
- quick
- luŋera
- luŋi=ra
- star=GO
Luŋeya sorove, “Diya liyes tesi gohorahi?”
- luŋeya
- luŋi=ya
- star=CAUS
- sorove
- soro=vi
- word=OUT
- diya
- di=ya
- liyes
- liye=s
- tesi
- tesi
- few
- gohorahi
- goho=ra=hi
- food=GO=POT
Kumoya rusuve, “Be! Liyes harazidu linda viri gohose.”
- kumoya
- kumu=ya
- man=CAUS
- rusuve
- rusu=vi
- reply=OUT
- be!
- be!
- no!
- liyes
- liye=s
- harazidu
- ha=ra=zi=du
- linda
- li=nda
- viri
- viri
- not.enough
- gohose
- goho=se
- food=STAY
“Dinda yutoza tesi kalanen liŋinahi?”
- dinda
- di=nda
- yutoza
- yutu=za
- campfire=PATH
- tesi
- tesi
- few
- kalanen
- kala=nen
- heat=COM
- liŋinahi
- li=ŋi=na=hi
“Kalanen liŋizidu viri yutuse.”
- kalanen
- kala=nen
- heat=COM
- liŋizidu
- li=ŋi=zi=du
- viri
- viri
- not
- yutuse
- yutu=se
- enough
“Ŋiri kele muroza dika.
- ŋiri
- ŋiri
- some
- kele
- kele
- fine
- muroza
- muru=za
- mat=PATH
- dika
- di=ka
Dinda yutoza tesi kalanen liŋinahido vene zeninen diŋi, liya lisataza nara mururazi.”
- dinda
- di=nda
- yutoza
- yutu=za
- campfire=PATH
- tesi
- tesi
- few
- kalanen
- kala=nen
- heat=COM
- liŋinahido
- li=ŋi=na=hi=du
- vene
- vene
- none
- zeninen
- zeni=nen
- expectation=COM
- diŋi
- di=ŋi
- liya
- li=ya
- lisataza
- li=sata=za
- 1SG=body=PATH
- nara
- nara
- one
- mururazi
- muru=ra=zi
- mat=GO=FUT
Nuvoya ruluve, “Enda pezes ira!
- Nuvoya
- Nuvu=ya
- Nuvu=CAUS
- ruluve
- rulu=vi
- shout=OUT
- enda
- e=nda
- pezes
- pezi=s
- away=LOC
- ira
- i=ra
Lidu ese, kegevenen mape vekeve yendodo evu.”
- lidu
- li=du
- ese
- e=se
- kegevenen
- kegeve=nen
- work=COM
- mape
- ma=pe
- vekeve
- vekeve
- lazy
- yendodo
- yenda=du
- people=GOAL
- evu
- e=vu