Kēlen is the old language, of course, and it took 20+ years to develop into something more than a few names, words, and phrases.
The New Language started in December of 2012. Here is a timeline:
Sodna-leni (Dec 2012)
This started as an experiment with a small number of verbs encoding different types of motion. Posts tagged for this language.
Sodemadu (Dec 2015)
a better Sodna-leni. Website.
Tessese(ya) (Feb 2016 – Aug 2016)
Then I got fed up with the limitations of a small number of verbs, and created Tesseseya in order to relieve the stress and have some fun. Nuvutani is the first text for an early version of this language. Website.
Xunumi Wudu (Aug 2016-June 2017)
Back to a limited number of verbs (though about 3-4 times as many as Sodemadu) and a better understanding of what I am trying to do. Maybe. Website. Posts tagged for this language.
Xuunu Midu (July/Aug 2017)
an updated XW.
Ciye Sodo (Feb-July 2018)
a better XW.
Inavewa (July 2018)
scrap it all and play a bit
Precursor to KS (Aug 2018)
Kēpa Sōro (Nov 2018)
OK, a limited number of verbs AND the ability to translate into it without too much trouble. Also, allowed ‘r’ in the phonology.
Kenda Soro
a better Kēpa Sōro. See previous posts!
I’ll see over the weekend if I can find some material on the ones that are not on the web.
http://fiatlingua.org/2014/01/ has material on Sodna Leni.
https://conlang.org/language-creation-conference/lcc6/lcc6-relay/6-sodemadu-text/ has a Sodemadu text.
But the LCC7 relay, for which I had a text in Xuunu Midu isn’t online apparently. I will post that torch eventually.
And here is Ciye Sodo: http://terjemar.net/ciyesodo/