The rest of the sentences from the South Wind and the Sun…
Lohoya kehimena, saselevena.
- lohoya
- loho=ya
- sun=CAUS
- kehimena
- kehi=me=na
- task=IN=START
- saselevena
- sa=sele=vi=na
- 3SGra=light=OUT=START
Light is a body part of the sun, at least in this case.
Sama ŋono seleve, sama ŋono kalave, mede banas dahidahi keneŋiyi baŋibaŋi.
- sama
- sama
- 3SGra
- ŋono
- ŋono
- more
- seleve
- sele=vi
- light=OUT
- sama
- sama
- 3SGra
- ŋono
- ŋono
- more
- kalave
- kala=vi
- heat=OUT
- mede
- mede
- tree
- banas
- bana=s
- foot=LOC
- dahidahi
- dahidahi
- lying.down
- keneŋiyi
- kene=ŋi=yi
- woman=MOVE=CONT
- baŋibaŋi
- baŋibaŋi
- unexpectedly
Light and heat are body parts of the sun here, and modified by an adjective. The adjective comes between the possessor and the body part. The final clause has =yi for a continuing situation and baŋibaŋi to express that this situation is contrary to expectation.
Lohoya kehimeto, elekenda ureya kehimena aŋaka, saderelevina.
- lohoya
- loho=ya
- sun=CAUS
- kehimeto
- kehi=me=to
- task=IN=STOP
- elekenda
- eleke=nda
- south=SRC
- ureya
- uri=ya
- wind=CAUS
- kehimena
- kehi=me=na
- task=IN=START
- aŋaka
- aŋaka
- and.then
- saderelevina
- sa=derele=vi=na
- 3SGra=breath=OUT=START
Breath is a partially reduplicated noun, but the unreduplicated noun is not in the current lexicon. It is cognate with Kēlen rēl ‘breath’.
Saya elekenda sakanda mede sonos oloŋira, pezes kalara.
- saya
- sa=ya
- 3SGra=CAUS
- elekenda
- eleke=nda
- south=SRC
- sakanda
- saka=nda
- mountain=SRC
- mede
- mede
- tree
- sonos
- sono=s
- head=LOC
- oloŋira
- oloŋi=ra
- cloud=GO
- pezes
- pezi=s
- away=LOC
- kalara
- kala=ra
- heat=GO
Lamana layisena, lamana tene selese, zeseyelo.
- lamana
- lamana
- hidden
- layisena
- layi=se=na
- lamana
- lamana
- hidden
- tene
- tene
- all
- selese
- sele=se
- light=STAY
- zeseyelo
- zeseye=lo
- darkness=UP
Earlier there was a conjunction aŋaka glossed as “and then”. It is generally only used for emphasis. Sequence of clauses is usually assumed. The motion particle=lo UP is used here to convey an increase in an entity made of water, air, light, or sound. =ta DOWN can be used to convey a decrease.
Ŋono zeye layisenahiza kenes delino.
- ŋono
- ŋono
- more
- zeye
- zeye
- dark
- layisenahiza
- layi=se=na=hi=za
- kenes
- kene=s
- woman=LOC
- delino
- deli=no
- idea=COME
An idea came to the woman, and =za marks the idea: ŋono zeye layisenahi or more dark the sky potentially starts to be.
Mede bananda pezes kenera, maras sara.
- mede
- mede
- tree
- bananda
- bana=nda
- foot=SRC
- pezes
- pezi=s
- away=LOC
- kenera
- kene=ra
- woman=GO
- maras
- mara=s
- home=LOC
- sara
- sa=ra
- 3SGra=GO
Nenenda ŋono takaka elekenda uriŋe kodu.
- nenenda
- nene=nda
- pair=SRC
- ŋono
- ŋono
- more
- takaka
- takaka
- strong
- elekenda
- eleke=nda
- south=SRC
- uriŋe
- uri=ŋi
- wind=MOVE
- kodu
- kodu
- so
Next week I start a longer story in four parts…