This is the opposite of yesterday’s word, and is derived from the modifier nō.
This is derived from the modifier pēxa (April 1, 2010) and so describes something/someone/someplace comparatively far away.
ñi sāen mapēxa
She’s far away.
Fourth sentence:
wā temle ien ew ñamma jamāra tō honahan ew ñamma sū jasōþa;
He did not say to me how he made a dwelling, nor where.
jasōþa means “place: or “location”. sū jasōþa is “at/on a place”.
We’re still on the fourth sentence of the 18th Conlang Relay Text
sū jatāsa la jatēwa jaλāona jarōllōl ja sūjōl la macēna maranīsa masērre saŋē ē jawūña ē jāŋŋeren sawēλa jatāña janēūñ ñe anmāe;
sūjōl is a one-word locative phrase. It is a contraction of sū ja ōl “on top of it”. “It” refers to the wide, snow-covered table of the previous clause.
Locative phrases are peripheral phrases of a given relational. la plus a locative phrase signifies existence in a location. The locative phrases usually occur after the object, but in this sentence, and earlier in the second sentence, they have been moved to before the relational. This clarifies which of the two la relationals a phrase belongs to. For example, it is entirely grammatical to put sū jatāsa at the very end of the sentence. Doing so, however, obscures the fact that this phrase belongs with the first la clause and not the subordinate second.
“In the market square is a wide, snow-covered table, on top of which….”
We’re still on the third sentence of the 18th Conlang Relay Text
samma japēlti mo jaxēxi ja ē ñi jarewēλi ī ñi jahūwi ī ñi jasēþa ñe jawēlrienāl rū jatāsa λi xēþa āñ;
jatāsa means “market square”. The phrase jatāsa λi xēþa refers to a market square named Xēþa or Iron. The combination of the locative preposition rū and the modifier āñ means “around” or “surrounding”.
The tūmse barked at the smoke that twists and breaks and makes a knot like a letter of the interlace alphabet around the Iron market-square.
Continuing with the first sentence of 18th Conlang Relay Text:
ñi jakāellīñ jarēspe sū janūwa ī;
So we have “the kāellīñ was stirring” and then a locative phrase for the location of the kāellīñ. janūwa means “corner”, specifically interior corner like the inside of the elbow or where two walls come together. sū janūwa is “in or at the corner”.
The sentence ends with the particle ī, which, coming at the end of the sentence as it does, signifies that this is not the first time that this has happened.
ñi jakāellīñ jarēspe sū janūwa ī;
The kāellīñ was stirring in the corner again.
The next sentence in the 17th Conlang Relay Text is:
ñamma jarāka rū xō ā macūma ānen antānre;
The only unfamiliar word is xō, which means “there, that place”. So this sentence translates to: “The man made steps from there with quickness” or “The man moved quickly away.”
We’re on this sentence in the 17th Conlang Relay Text:
il ñamma jacēha ja ñi sāen rā jakērþe ōl nō ā macūma il ñi jakērþe jasērre tō jōrwe ēnne;
When the man attempted ja ñi sāen rā horse ōl nō
then ñi horse jasērre tō jōrwe ēnne.
rā jakērþe ōl nō looks straightforward. rā plus ōl means “on top of” or “over”. The particle nō generally emphasizes the “to” denoted by rā. However, here, nō is modifying another locative particle rather than a noun or pronoun directly. In this usage nō denotes that there is physical contact with the object of the phrase, namely the horse. So ñi sāen rā jakērþe ōl nō is “he moved to on top of the horse” or “he got on the horse”.
When the man attempted to get on to the horse,
then ñi horse jasērre tō jōrwe ēnne.
We’ll tackle the last clause tomorrow.
The fifth sentence of the 2nd Inverse Relay text:
selte jālme japāsre to jakēþa jatāra;
selte here says that there is a 1st person plural experiencer. What ‘we’ experience is jālme japāsre and the source of the experience is jakēþa jatāra. Several unfamiliar words here. First, jālme which means simply a place of crossing, like a ford in the river. I’ll discuss japāsre tomorrow.
Line 1 of the LCC3 Relay Text:
la liēn sū anālhāri anālri jahāwa ñi antāoni anhūwi rūjapēxa;
jahāwa means “the end or edge of something”. Coming as it does after the phrase anālhāri anālri “stormy sea”, it refers to the edge of the stormy sea. The entire phrase anālhāri anālri jahāwa is the object of the preposition sū, which indicates a location. la liēn sū anālhāri anālri jahāwa “I am at the edge of the stormy sea”.