We’re on the twelfth sentence of the 14th Conlang Relay Text:
sanna jasāla ien jaþīña ja senne to anrēha rā ancāna;
and the only unblogged word is anrēha, which refers to the future. So this sentence starts with se inflected for a 1st person inclusive paucal source and the object of se is the noun jasāla “song” so “We sing” and what we sing is jaþīña ja senne to anrēha rā ancāna, “the path that the future gives us” (since anrēha is not animate it does not trigger any inflection of se). Then comes the phrase rā ancāna “towards love”. This has to modify jaþīña “path”:
“We sing the path towards love that the future gives us.”
Since the next two sentences are very simple and have no new words in them, I will talk about them here:
semme jacāna ke macēna mo macūma;
se + 3rd person singular source and 3rd person singular beneficiary (not reflexive). The object of se is jacāna “love”. Then there’s an animate source phrase naming macēna “the woman” as the source and a beneficiary phrase naming macūma “the man” as the beneficiary. So the thirteenth sentence translates as:
“The woman gives love to the man” or “The man feels love from the woman”. Take your pick.
The fourteenth sentence is the same with the source and beneficiary reversed:
semme jacāna ke macūma mo macēna;
“The man gives love to the woman” or “The woman feels love from the man”.
Tomorrow, the fifteenth sentence!