Text and Translation
Kines yenda durondas uduriza ŋera neneno, namas eri neneŋiza bolono. Gareke lires naki, koros sovonda ŋono pezes sarananda andalona. Samas siŋi udures saloziza kuŋino, sovonda tononda runurunu sara. Lohoya mezi menepesena, pobolo tininisena. Uduridu koro vubire taka dimidimi haka, rusurusu haka, satana. Garas yedas satanda bereno.
Soronen andatepe sovoŋe, alas sovo sape, “Ikaro, zosos diŋi? Zosodo lirunuŋi?” Evi, “Ikaro,” alas sarunos tadano sonos zara tininino, saya sanda tudutos bavasavi. Saya ekeges koro satara, koronda kines berenoyi, Ikariya.
People on land see the pair flying through the air, and think they are spirits. They pass by the Gareke islands, and the boy feels more joy the more distance he is from the father. He desires to go higher in the air, and he forgets the father’s path. The sun begins to make the wax soft, and the feathers begin to come apart. The boy’s bare arms hit at the air repeatedly, and he begins to fall. The waters get a name from his falling into them.
The joyless father, now not a father, says,”Ikaro, where are you? Where do I look for you?” “Ikaro,” he said as he sees the feathers that are on top of the waves, and he curses his arts. He puts the boy’s body in the ground, and the land gets its name from the boy, Ikariya.
Interlinear and Explanation
Kines yenda durondas uduriza ŋera neneno, namas eri neneŋiza bolono.
- kines
- kini=s
- land=LOC
- yenda
- yele-na
- person-PL
- durondas
- duronda=s
- eye.GP=LOC
- uduriza
- uduri=za
- air=PATH
- ŋera
- ŋe=ra
- neneno
- nene=no
- pair=COME
- namas
- nama=s
- eri
- eri
- spirit
- neneŋiza
- nene=ŋi=za
- pair=MOVE=PATH
- bolono
- bolo=no
- belief=COME
Gareke lires naki, koros sovonda ŋono pezes sarananda andalona.
- Gareke
- Gareke
- liri=s
- island=LOC
- na=ki
- 3PLan=BY
- koro=s
- boy=LOC
- sovo=nda
- father=SRC
- ŋono
- more
- pezi=s
- away=LOC
- sa=ra=na=nda
- anda=lo=na
- joy=UP=START
Samas siŋi udures saloziza kuŋino, sovonda tononda runurunu sara.
- samas
- sama=s
- siŋi
- siŋi
- high
- udures
- uduri=s
- air=LOC
- saloziza
- sa=lo=zi=za
- kuŋino
- kuŋi=no
- desire=COME
- sovonda
- sovo=nda
- father=SRC
- tononda
- tono=nda
- path=SRC
- runurunu
- runurunu
- forgetting
- sara
- sa=ra
Lohoya mezi menepesena, pobolo tininisena.
- lohoya
- loho=ya
- sun=CAUS
- mezi
- mezi
- soft
- menepesena
- menepe=se=na
- pobolo
- pobolo
- apart
- tininisena
- tinini=se=na
- feather=STAY=START
Uduridu koro vubire taka dimidimi haka, rusurusu haka, satana.
- uduridu
- uduri=du
- air=GOAL
- koro
- koro
- boy
- vubire
- vubire
- bare
- taka
- taka
- arm
- dimidimi
- dimidimi
- with.force
- haka
- ha=ka
- rusurusu
- rusurusu
- repeatedly
- haka
- ha=ka
- satana
- sa=ta=na
Apparently a noun can take multiple adjectives, but a verb/motion particle can only take one adverb. Hence the repetition of the verb phrase.
Garas yedas satanda bereno.
- garas
- gara=s
- water=LOC
- yedas
- yeda=s
- satanda
- sa=ta=nda
- bereno
- bere=no
- name=COME
Soronen andatepe sovoŋe, alas sovo sape, “Ikaro, zosos diŋi? Zosodo lirunuŋi?”
- soronen
- soro=nen
- word=COM
- andatepe
- andatepe
- joy-less
- sovoŋe
- sovo=ŋi
- father=MOVE
- alas
- ala=s
- now=LOC
- sovo
- sovo
- father
- sape
- sa=pe
- Ikaro
- Ikaro
- Ikaro
- zosos
- zoso=s
- where=LOC
- diŋi
- di=ŋi
- zosodo
- zoso=du
- where=GOAL
- lirunuŋi
- li=runu=ŋi
- 1SG=eye=MOVE
Evi, “Ikaro,” alas sarunos tadano sonos zara tininino, saya sanda tudutos bavasavi.
- evi
- e=vi
- Ikaro
- Ikaro
- Ikaro
- alas
- ala=s
- now=LOC
- sarunos
- sa=runu=s
- 3SG.RA=eye=LOC
- tadano
- tadanu
- waves
- sonos
- sono=s
- head=LOC
- zara
- za=ra
- tininino
- tinini=no
- feather=COME
- saya
- sa=ya
- sanda
- sa=nda
- tudutos
- tudutu=s
- learning=LOC
- bavasavi
- bavasa=vi
- badness=OUT
Curse is “cover with badness”.
Saya ekeges koro satara, koronda kines berenoyi, Ikariya.
- saya
- sa=ya
- ekeges
- ekegi=s
- ground=LOC
- koro
- koro
- boy
- satara
- sata=ra
- body=GO
- koronda
- koro=nda
- boy=SRC
- kines
- kini=s
- land=LOC
- berenoyi
- bere=no=yi
- name=COME=CONT
- Ikariya
- Ikariya
- Ikariya