Continuing from previously, the last batch of sentences in Runulodu Yere.
Tabuninda indaya rinive, samas rinirinive.
- Tabuninda
- Tabuni=nda
- Cottontail=SRC
- indaya
- inda=ya
- children=CAUS
- rinive
- rini=vi
- laughter=OUT
- samas
- sama=s
- 3SGra=LOC
- rinirinive
- rinirini=vi
- mockery=OUT
Here are two uses of =vi OUT. The first was seen before, an emitting of noise, in this case laughter. The second, with an attained destination is used to convey covering the destination with a substance (the subject). This usage is then applied metaphorically to mockery. It is also used for cursing and blessing.
Nurunen Peyaŋina, naŋakadu dimidimi sarana.
- nurunen
- nuru=nen
- anger=COM
- Peyaŋina
- Peya=ŋi=na
- naŋakadu
- na=ŋaka=du
- 3PLra=back=PATH
- dimidimi
- dimidimi
- with.force
- sarana
- sa=ra=na
A basic usage of =du: the goal or not yet attained destination.
Nadu sapenda pezes sara.
- nadu
- na=du
- 3PLra=GOAL
- sapenda
- sa=pe=nda
- pezes
- pezi=s
- away=LOC
- sara
- sa=ra
- 3SGra=GO
This is one clause, with an embedded clause marked with =nda. Here =pe is probably negating =ra GO or even =ka TOUCH.
Saya ŋuyanda sama talile duruno hame.
- saya
- sa=ya
- 3SGra=CAUS
- ŋuyanda
- ŋuya=nda
- sap=SRC
- sama
- sama
- 3SGra
- talile
- talili
- new
- duruno
- durunu
- eye+DU
- hame
- ha=me
- 3SGin=IN
The main verb is =me IN, used to convey making the subject, or rather the coming into being of the subject. The subject is his two new eyes. Note that the adjective comes between the possessor and the body part. The thing the subject is made out of or made from is marked with =nda as the source.
The word ŋuya is borrowed from Dirk.
Alas ŋuyago Peya durunuseye kodu.
- alas
- ala=s
- now=LOC
- ŋuyago
- ŋuyago
- Peya
- Peya
- Coyote
- durunuseye
- durunu=se=yi
- kodu
- kodu
- so
And the end of the story continues into the present. The conjunction kodu is ko= (like in koyo, earlier) and =du: ‘for this’.
Next text is the South Wind and the Sun