jē nāra
Once upon a time I sort of translated (loosely!) Lord Dunsany’s story The King of Sarahb. I’ve used some of the sentences (and parts of sentences) of that story for previous posts. But, I think, I still have about one word per sentence that hasn’t been done. So, I will start on these, explaining the words at least. I probably will not go into detail about the sentences, but if you have a question about how a sentence works, comment!
First sentence:
temle ien il talōnti nā il ñi sāen rā sōssirja il antielen wā ñi rū xō jē nāra;
He said to me: It was many yesterdays ago when he came to Sōssirja, afterwards he never went from it.
jē nāra at the end of the sentence is a clause-level modifier, that is a word that says something about the whole clause. The clause in this case is ñi rū xō which signifies a change in location from there. wā before the clause negates it, and jē nāra emphasizes that negation. It generally means “completely” or “wholly”, though “ever” might be a good translation, too.
Since it seems that I don’t have a word to blog in the next two sentences, here they are:
temle ien tō wā sema jatañēn to jakāe ja ñi sū japāŋŋien tō jāo ōrra ñi sāen rū āke;
He said to me: He did not like the doings in the homeland, so he went from there.
wā temle janahan nā ñe jāo;
He did not say to me more than this.