anwālti & antōli





Both of these words mean feelings, emotions, thoughts, moods, and other mental states, though anwālti are considered to be less fleeting than antōli. Exactly which feelings are classified as anwālti and which are classified as antōli is a matter of debate. There are some who would say that there are only eight or nine or fourteen or sixteen or some other limited number of anwālti and all other feelings are antōli.

3 Replies to “anwālti & antōli”

  1. What manner of words are these? Like, would one translate these in English as “emotion”—i.e. superordinate nouns that subsume several subordinates? Anyway, cool idea!

  2. Yes. By form they are collective nouns, so the various mental states are subsets of these. So, yes, they both translate as ’emotion, mental state’ with antōli having wider applicability than anwālti. For example, something like jānte (happiness, joy) could be antōli or anwālti, but jawōla (doubt) is generally considered antōli and not anwālti. But, as I said, the exact difference is difficult to define and mostly a matter of opinion.

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