one’s sneeze.
Coughing and sneezing, among other things, share qualities with speech. Speech is generally denoted with se. For example:
talla jāo ien sele jālne to jāo;
I said that I like that.
When speech is absolutely quoted, the word jasōra, or even sasōra (though speech isn’t usually considered a body part) is used.
tamma sasōra ien sele jālne to jāo;
She said, “I like that.” (She emitted her words which equal “I like that.”)
So what does this have to do with sneezing?
One way to say that someone sneezed is to use ñi
ñi sacīxen;
She sneezed. (Her sneeze came into existence.)
Another way is to use se:
tamma sacīxen;
She sneezed. (She emitted her sneeze.)
The difference is that with se, the sneeze uses the exact same syntax as speech. And so,
tamma jacīxen;
She sneezed. (She emitted a sneeze.)
is perfectly okay as a sentence.
Thus: tamma jacÄ«xen ien sele jÄlne to jÄo;
“She sneezed, ‘I like that’.”
I absolutely love this!
Yes. That is technically okay. Fun, huh?
Yep! ~:D