The next set of sentences in Gary’s list are:
- The sun shone.
- The sun will shine.
- The sun has been shining.
- The sun is shining again.
- The sun will shine tomorrow.
OK. More tense and aspect distinctions. sodna-lɛni doesn’t actually distinguish tense (this is an experiment on my part), which means that there is no difference in 3 and 5.
3|5. loho logɨdiya tavi.
- loho
- sun.MTsg
- from the sun
- logɨdiya
- light.MTpl
- light
- tavi
- evi.PRF
- ceased moving out
4. loho logɨdiya evi dɛga.
- loho
- sun.MTsg
- from the sun
- logɨdiya
- light.MTpl
- light
- evi
- evi.IMP
- is moving out
- dɛga
- in the future
6. loho logɨdiya evi iyɛ iyɛ.
- loho
- sun.MTsg
- from the sun
- logɨdiya
- light.MTpl
- light
- evi
- evi.IMP
- is moving out
- iyɛ iyɛ
- again
- again
7. loho logɨdiya evi dɛga lannal.
- loho
- sun.MTsg
- from the sun
- logɨdiya
- light.MTpl
- light
- evi
- evi.IMP
- is moving out
- dɛga
- in the future
- lannal
- tomorrow
- tomorrow
tavi is the perfect form of evi.
dɛga is the future modal, and it denotes certainty in one’s prediction.
iyɛ iyɛ and lannal are both time adverbs.
In Kēlen, again 3 & 5 are the same:
3|5. te anlōki;
- la
- existed
- anlōki
- sunlight
- sunlight
4. la anlōki rēha;
- la
- LA
- exists
- anlōki
- sunlight
- sunlight
- rēha
- in the future
6. la anlōki ī;
- la
- LA
- exists
- anlōki
- sunlight
- sunlight
- ī
- again
- again
7. la anlōki lānnāl;
- la
- LA
- exists
- anlōki
- sunlight
- sunlight
- lānnāl
- tomorrow
- tomorrow
(And, yes, the words for ‘tomorrow’ in both languages are related.)