Text and Translation
Lirunos linda besarino aŋaka. Linda tili arenda tili bese saŋi. Lidu luguradu sano. Erenaza saka, liyenen yeremeto.
Saya nadu evi, “Linda laki koyo yeleŋe. Samas dimidimi yakato! Sadu gehevanen yaŋi!” Liyes erena dimidimi nakato aŋaka.
And then I see my uncle. He is my late grandmother’s uncle. He comes to help me. He grasps the spirits and the game with me stops.
He says to them, “This person is my daughter. Stop hitting her! Be good to her!” And then the spirits stop hitting me.
Interlinear and Explanation
Lirunos linda besarino aŋaka.
- lirunos
- li=runu=s
- 1SG=eye=LOC
- linda
- li=nda
- besarino
- besari=no
- great-uncle=COME
- aŋaka
- aŋaka
- and.then
Technically, besari is mother’s mother’s brother.
Linda tili arenda tili bese saŋi.
- linda
- li=nda
- tili
- tili
- past
- arenda
- ari=nda
- grandmother=SRC
- tili
- tili
- past
- bese
- bese
- uncle
- saŋi
- sa=ŋi
- 3SGra=MOVE
Technically ari is mother’s mother’s and bese is mother’s brother. And the adjective tili, last seen modifying the noun lono ‘day’, can also modify kinship terms.
Lidu luguradu sano.
- lidu
- li=du
- luguradu
- lugu=ra=du
- help=GO=GOAL
- sano
- sa=no
- 3SGra=COME
Erenaza saka, liyenen yeremeto.
- erenaza
- erena=za
- spirits=PATH
- saka
- sa=ka
- liyenen
- liye=nen
- yeremeto
- yere=me=to
- game=IN=STOP
Saya nadu evi, “Linda laki koyo yeleŋe.
- saya
- sa=ya
- 3SGra=CAUS
- nadu
- na=du
- 3PLra=GOAL
- evi
- e=vi
- 3PLin=OUT
- linda
- li=nda
- laki
- laki
- daughter
- koyo
- koyo
- this
- yeleŋe
- yele=ŋi
- person=MOVE
Technically, laki is a woman’s daughter or a man’s sister’s daughter.
Samas dimidimi yakato!
- samas
- sama=s
- 3SGra=LOC
- dimidimi
- dimidimi
- with.force
- yakato
- ya=ka=to
Uncle does not use indirect, polite commands. He is direct, using the non-rational animate pronouns to convey an imperative.
Sadu gehevanen yaŋi!”
- sadu
- sa=du
- 3SGra=GOAL
- gehevanen
- geheva=nen
- goodness=COM
- yaŋi
- ya=ŋi
- 3PLan=MOVE
Liyes erena dimidimi nakato aŋaka.
- liyes
- liye=s
- erena
- erena
- spirits
- dimidimi
- dimidimi
- with.force
- nakato
- na=ka=to
- aŋaka.
- aŋaka
- and.then
The conclusion will post on Monday. Have a good weekend!