3 Replies to “ansīña”

  1. You and your dirty mind!

    pa sāen ansīña nā lā; ‘He’s sooo tall!’

    la sāen mÄ«sse il la masērre ewaþ la sāen masīña il la maþāe lā;
    ‘He’s short while standing, but he’s tall while lying down!’

    Make of those what you will, and now I have to figure out how Kēleni giggle in print.

  2. la sāen mīsse il la masērre ewaþ la sāen masīña il la maþāe lā;
    ‘He’s short while standing, but he’s tall while lying down!’

    I think that should be my epithet in KÄ“len. It’s just so powerfully accurate…

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