


OK. Last post for this sentence. anþārre is the attribute ‘leaning’. ñi jīlkena cē jaþārre ōrra therefore is ‘the letter c (became) leaned over’. The final phrase ē jawāññerāñi jīþi nā ī is ‘and many other mysteries also’. I blogged jawāññerāñ back in March as part of a relay text where I defined it as ‘riddle’ or ‘paradox’. I would say that ‘mystery’ fits right in there.

temme ē jaþēλi ien jakā ānen ansāorīki ien jaxūna ānen anrūēli ī xiēn jē jāxīsse jīlke ī jāo ja la sūjatā ē jāo sūjōl ien jiēxa ānen jasēsi ī jōrrisi ē jatatēn ien ñi jīlkena cē jaþārre ōrra ē jawāññerāñi jīþi nā ī;

“He said to him the ideas: the doings of consonants; the pattern of vowels, and also concerning the writing line and that which is beneath it and that above it; the usefulness of dots and end-marks; and the reason the letter ‘c’ leaned over, and many other mysteries also.”

Compare this to Lord Dunsany’s sentence:

“He taught the use of consonants, the reason of vowels, the way of the downstrokes and the up; the time for capital letters, commas, and colons; and why the ‘j’ is dotted, with many another mystery.”

I’m pleased with it.




the state of being asleep. This occasionally shows up as the possessed saxēie. Kēlen does not always draw a hard and fast line between a bodily expression and a bodily state.

ñi sāen maxēie;
‘She fell asleep.’ or ‘She’s asleep.’ [Change of state to she=asleep]

sema jaxēie;
‘She’s asleep.’ [She is experiencing an instance of sleep]

la saxēie jatāλa;
‘Her sleep is restless.’