Interlace Alphabet Examples, Part 1 of ???

I attended Kopikon and talked a little about the Interlace Alphabet, among other things. And I shared examples that don’t appear to be anywhere on the web, or at least, that don’t appear to be anywhere on a site I control. So, here we go…

“PETERSON” in the Interlace Alphabet

I made the above for David Peterson.


The above spells taxōnīkōn, which would be the Kēlen word for conlanger. I believe you can purchase this design on various items through the LCS Swag store.


This one is lān ālre! or Praise, Alre, the goddess of storms, technology, stuff…

More to come when I have the time.


It seems I haven’t updated since November 2019. My excuse: 2020. Yeah.

Two things, both having to do with Kēlen.

I found this video in April, thanks to Vestboy Myst.

And then a few days ago John Quijada sent me a link to this:

And I figured I better put them somewhere where I could find them again, like this blog!

In other conlanging news, I am playing around with the beginnings of what might maybe become a new language eventually.

Stay safe!