


I think I figured out my dilemma from yesterday. I think jaxīra is the most basic word for sound or noise and jasāora is a more specific word for sound or noise made by an animate being. This distinction of animate vs non-animate is a theme of Kēlen, so that works.

On to today’s word. anūma is an attribute of sound, meaning loud. It is sometimes glossed merely as noise, since in the inanimate singular, it would mean a loud noise.

ñi sāen matāra il jahōλen ānen ansōha ānen anūri jūma ēmma;
He fell for a long time with silence except for the noise of the air.

jūrāna and anūra



the wind. This is the default word for wind considered as a singular entity. The collective anūrāni can be used for wind as a series of gusts, but more often the collective anūri is used instead. (The –ān– in the root –ūrān– is a singular marker.)



the air, the atmosphere. This word can also refer to any movement in the air. Thus anūri can be used to refer to wind, or to blowing air, or the rushing by of air.

ñamma anūri nā ā mūrāna masīrien
The North Wind made much moving-air.

Wind is in the animate singular here rather than the usual inanimate singular as above because the North Wind is a character in the story.




one’s anus or asshole.

Turning this body part into an animate noun leads to two different terms – one insulting and one affectionate.  The insulting term is mūxa which describes a person who says things to deliberately cause harm. These things don’t have to be lies, they just have to be intended to cause harm. So a malicious person.

The other term mūxisse is an informal term using an old diminutive and refers to people (or other dependents) one has to continually clean up after. The term expresses both affection and aggravation.




one’s tongue.

ñamma sūsne jaciēña;
He stuck out his tongue.

What that would mean culturally to the Kēleni I have no idea. Any suggestions?