


one’s lap, the flat surface formed by one’s thighs when one is sitting as in a chair.

This is one of those strange body parts that only exists when the body is in a certain position. I have no idea how many languages besides English have this term, but Kēlen does.

satēsa and sahūta



one’s left (side or hand).



one’s right (side or hand).

These stems have given rise to two new locative modifiers, tēsa and hūta, for describing something as being to the left or right of a point of reference. Unlike other modifiers, however, these do not have the full range of forms. For example, with hāl ‘front’, one can say sū jamēþa hāl ‘in front of the tree’, or sūjahāl ‘in front of it’. One can say sū jamēþa tēsa ‘at the left of the tree’ but not sūjatēsa ‘at the left of it’. Instead, one would say sū letēsa ‘at my left’ or sū ritēsa ‘at your left’ or sū satēsa ‘at his/her/their left’.




one’s arm or arms.

The stative form of this word antāka means “having arm muscles, muscular”. So to say someone is arm-y (armed? English does not have an adjective with this meaning that I can tell.), la sāen matāka, means that person is muscular.

[Note: I’m not planning on having entries for every single part of the body I have words for. I figure I will stick with the more common and more interesting ones. If you think I have missed something and want to know the word for it, let me know and I will make an entry for you.]




one’s vagina. This isn’t a particularly naughty term in Kēlen, nor is turning this word into an animate noun necessarily insulting to a woman.