


This is the attribute ‘usefulness’, and is part of the third ien phrase: ien jiēxa ānen jasēsi ī jōrrisi.

temme ē jaþēλi ien jakā ānen ansāorīki ien jaxūna ānen anrūēli ī xiēn jē jāxīsse jīlke ī jāo ja la sūjatā ē jāo sūjōl ien jiēxa ānen jasēsi ī jōrrisi ē jatatēn ien ñi jīlkena cē jaþārre ōrra ē jawāññerāñi jīþi nā ī;

He said to him the ideas: the doings of consonants; the pattern of vowels, and also concerning the writing line and that which is beneath it and that above it; the usefulness…




This is a modifier that means, essentially “once upon a time” or “once long ago” or “long ago”. After introducing our two characters, we start the story with “once long ago”.